書名:《尋找腦中神明 –宗教的腦科學觀》
作者:朱迺欣醫師 出版社:立緒文化事業
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演講主題(Topic):Does the Universe Have a Purpose?
演講人(Presenter):Prof. John Haught
演講時間(Time):2013/10/4, Friday,15:30pm-17:30pm
演講地點(Place):台大水源校區哲學系302會議室(Dept. of Philosophy Room302, NTU)
主辦單位(Organizer):輔大科宗中心(CSSR, FJU)、台大哲學系(Dept. of Philosophy, NTU)
贊助單位(Sponsor):John Templeton Foundation
時間(Time):2013年10月3日星期四, October 3rd, Thursday, 2013
地點(Venue):輔仁大學聖保祿廳, Saint Paul Hall, Fu Jen University
贊助單位(Sponsor):John Templeton Foundation
CSSR-FJ has been awarded a US$ 100,000 grant from the John Templeton Foundation to promote dialogue between science and Catholic faith among Catholics in Taiwan. With this grant, CSSR-FJ will prepare relevant resources in Chinese, conduct workshops and conference and develop a website that can be used by those who are interested.
CSSR-FJ has obtained International Society for Science and Religion Library award. CSSR-FJ joins a group of 150 institutions worldwide selected through a competitive process to house a collection of 224 important books on science and spirituality. This collection will be a valuable resource for those who are interested in research on different aspects of science and spirituality.