About Us


The Center for the Study of Science and Religion was founded in 2001 as a research center of the College of Science and Engineering of Fu Jen Catholic University. The purpose of the Center is to provide a platform for research and teaching on the relationship between religion and science, especially in the context of Taiwanese and Chinese culture. Through its teaching and research the Center strives to encourage interaction among scholars in theology, religious studies, the humanities, the social sciences and the physical and life sciences. The Center encourages a dialogue among the adherents of the different religious and philosophical traditions of Taiwan regarding the relationship between religion and science as well as related ethical questions. At the same time, in the spirit of Fu Jen as a Catholic University, the study of science and Christianity will be a focal point of the Center’s development.


A central objective of the center is to encourage creative teaching and research in the field of science and religion. Such teaching will include not only special courses at the tertiary level, but also the inclusion of science-religion material in other courses as well as lectures for the general public. We hope that all of the religious traditions of Taiwan can join in the dialogue. Meetings range from small informal sessions to international conferences. Through the Center’s research and teaching it is hoped not only to facilitate academic advancement, but also to help believers and non-believers alike to deal with a culture that is both increasingly determined by science and technology and at the same time looking to the various religious traditions to find meaning and harmony.