演講主題(Topic):Does the Universe Have a Purpose?
演講人(Presenter):Prof. John Haught
演講時間(Time):2013/10/4, Friday,15:30pm-17:30pm
演講地點(Place):臺灣水源校區哲學系302會議室(Dept. of Philosophy Room 302, NTU)
主辦單位(Organizer):輔大科宗中心(CSSR, FJU)、台大哲學系(Dept. of Philosophy, NTU)
贊助單位(Sponsor):John Templeton Foundation
時間(Time):2013年10月3日星期四, October 3rd, Thursday, 2013
地點(Venue):輔仁大學聖保祿廳, Saint Paul Hall, Fu Jen University
贊助單位(Sponsor):John Templeton Foundation
演講人:陳文祥老師(Chen, Wen-Shiang)
時間:2013年4月10日(April, 10th, 2013)
(Evolution and Catholic Church: A Historical View)
地點:台北總主教公署(Bishops Curia)
A Workshop on
Evolution and Catholic Faith - Pastoral Implications
As missionaries in Taiwan, we are often called upon to explain our faith to an age of science and technology. The Center for the Study of Science and Religion, Fu Jen Catholic University, invites you to share and discuss with fellow missionaries on the impact of theory of evolution on our faith and how we can explain our faith in the light of science. This workshop will consist of two sessions of group discussions on the questions we are asked on science and faith and how to respond to them. The workshop is conducted in English.
Date and Time: March 19th, 2013 (Tuesday), 9:00 ~ 12:30
Venue: Fu Jen Catholic University, Academia Catholica DG420
8:30 ~ 9:00: Registration
9:00 ~ 9:15: Introduction
9:15 ~ 10:30: Session I
10:30 ~ 11:00: Coffee Break
11:00 ~ 12:15: Session II
12:15 ~ 12:30: Concluding Remarks
12:30: Lunch
Center for the Study of Science and Religion, Academia Catholica, Fu Jen Catholic University
Funding Agency:
The Templeton Foundation, USA.
演講人:鮑霖 老師(Paulin)
時間:2013年3月13日(March, 13th, 2013)
主題:「末世論與進化論(Eschatology and Evolution)」
地點:台北總主教公署(Bishops Curia)
演講人:柏殿宏老師(Frank Budenholzer)
時間:2012年12月12日(December, 12th, 2012)
主題:「Does God hear our Prayers?(天主答覆我們的祈禱嘛?)」
地點:台北總主教公署(Bishops Curia)
演講人:司馬忠老師(Maria John Peter Selvamani)
時間:2012年11月14日(November, 14th, 2012)
主題:「進化論:朋友還是敵人?」(Evolution: Friends or Enemies?)
地點:台北總主教公署(Bishops Curia)
主辦單位: 天主教輔仁大學天主教學術研究院
承辦單位: 天主教輔仁大學天主教學術研究院科學與宗教研究中心
贊助單位:John Templeton Foundation